Storms Statistics at Sea (Alternative Approach)

Boukhanovsky A. V., Lopatoukhin L. I.

The classic (Euler) approach to storms statistics was based on time-series analysis of wave parameters at certain points (regions) of water area and allowed to assess the spatial structure of the storm only by indirect methods. The modern (Lagrangian) approach to the calculation of wave climate ( wave regime) includes forming a database by calculations on numerical hydrodynamic models of ocean dynamics. The calculations are performed with discreteness of 3—6 hours for a continuous time of 30 years or more. Thus a long-term sequence of the wave fields of the estimated area is formed. The availability of information about the waves simultaneously throughout the whole basin allows to follow the storm movement in time and space. As a result, it is possible to estimate the parameters of the storms and their trajectories, i. e. significantly expand the set of statistics characterizing the storm activity at sea and ocean. The specificity of spatial-temporal variability of the various water areas of the World Ocean and the differences in the wave climate are demonstrated with the example of statistics of parameters of storms and their trajectories for open North Atlantic and closed Black Sea. The obtained data are useful for the safety of navigation in open water areas, for designing of facilities and planning of marine operations offshore.

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