Tsunami Wave Impact on Marine Hydrotechnicalstructures and Coastal Objects

Dorfman A. A., Pechenin S. A., Semenov K. K., Nudner I. S., Maximov V. V.

In this paper, the calculation method is described that makes it possible to determine the main characteristics of tsunami waves impact on marine hydrotechnical structures and objects located in the coastal zone. Taking into account the various forms of the objects makes the approach presented in the work useful for obtaining estimates for the solution of various applied problems including the calculating the criteria of safety of structures and objects during the planning of construction in tsunami-prone areas. The paper presents a mathematical model that is used for the quantitative describing of the process of tsunami waves interaction with marine structures and allows to determine the values of the pressure and force coefficients. Classification of offshore and coastal structures according to the degree of their permeability for the water flow is given. This classification makes it possible to identify different types of tsunami waves interaction with them. Formulas and relationships are given that allow to calculate the values of the wave loads on the structures and objects depending on their characteristics. Expressions for well-permeable objects are presented. Formulas are given for poorly permeable objects for the situation of the impact of the flow formed by the tsunami waves and for the stage of quasistationary flow around these objects.

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