Experience on Ecological Status Assessment Based on Adaptive Potential Diagnostics in Selected Invertebrates of the Baltic Sea Sub-Regions (in English)

Kuznetsova T. V., Kholodkevich S. V., Kurakin A. S.

The aim of the present paper was to review the results obtained in our previous field and laboratory studies using cardiac monitoring system worked out in SRCES RAS for assessing of environmental pollution in a few problem aquatoria of the Baltic Sea Region. Paper is concerned also to the experience of development and approbation of proposed approach to the assessment of biological effects of environmental chemical stress based on evaluation of adaptive potential of indigenous species of the invertebrates from different in anthropogenic pressure fresh water, brackish water or marineareas, with the emphasize on sub- regions of the Baltic Sea including estuary of the Neva River). The assessment of adaptivity was performed using method of physiological loading on bivalve mollusks (Anodonta anatina, Mytilus edulis, Mytilus trossulus and Macoma (Limecola) balthica) and anti-orthostatic test in crustacean (Carcinus maenas and Astacus leptodactylus), based on measuring the heart rate recovery time after removal of stress load. Rapid recovery (less than 50—60 min) signifies a good adaptive potential in different species, indicating good ecological status of the study site they inhabit. The paper presents a number of examples demonstrating how methodology for the evaluation of invertebrate’s physiological state can be used in ecosystem health assessment in the Baltic Sea Region.

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