Experimental Study of Currents in the Aniva Gulf in 2003

Shevchenko G. V., Chastikov V. N., Kirillov K. V., Kusaylo O. V.

Materials of the large experiment, which included installing of five moorings in the northern part of Aniva Gulf which located in the southern part of Sakhalin Island, were analyzed. Four acoustic Doppler current-meters were installed in the coastal area in June 2003 and removed in the late autumn. Current Doppler profiler was placed in the deep part of the Gulf in the area of the soil dumping point, current measurements were carried out during 2 months. During the warm season, under the influence of typical S-SW winds, cyclonic circulation formed in the coastal zone of the Gulf. After adjustment of the wind field to the winter monsoon winds with typical NW winds, coastal currents change their direction. The intense anticyclonic inertial currents with an amplitude of about 20 cm/s and a period of about 16.6 hours was found in the dumping area (three times observed within 3—5 days). They were most pronounced in the intermediate layer and weaker near the top and bottom. During the second decade of July, these currents and flow with a period of about 2 weeks occurred when passing over the area of measurements of the atmospheric perturbation with anticyclonic vorticity of the wind. Special investigations of bottom soil showed no significant changes in its characteristics in the process of dumping.

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