Mapping of the Baltic Sea by the Types of Density Stratification in the Context of Dynamics of Internal Gravity Waves

Rouvinskaya E. A., Tyugin D. Y., Kurkina O. E., Kurkin A. A.

Zoning of the Baltic Sea was carried out according to the type of density stratification. Areas are marked out where the profile of the sea water density is well approximated by a two- or three-layer model. The values of the parameters of layered models, such as the depth of pycnoclines and the amplitude of the density jumps at the interfaces of the layers as a percentage of the total density change are determined. Such a zoning makes it possible to simplify the preliminary investigation of internal gravity waves in the considered region, effectively reducing it to the use of known analytical results for interfacial waves in layered fluid. It is also easy to carry out preliminary estimates of their kinematic and nonlinear characteristics. Variabilitу of these zones from winter to summer is discussed. Hydrological data for calculating the density field are taken from the database of the generalized numerical model of the environment (Generalized Digital Environmental Model Database, GDEM). In addition, calculated temperature and salinity data were used within the framework of the ocean model of the Rossby Center (RCO) for the Baltic Sea. For most points with close coordinates in RCO and GDEM, the type of density stratification is the same.

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