CATASTROPHIC FLOOD OF THE NEVA, 1721 (to the 300th anniversary of the event)

Malova T.I., Rodionov A.A.

The few preserved information about the flood of the Neva on November 5 (16), 1721 testifies to its catastrophic character. The flood was reported by F. Kh. Weber, F.V. Berchgoltz, Anri de Lavi, N.N. Golovin et al. The height of the flood was estimated by I.G. Leutman and published in article with L. Euler in 1729. However, it is known that a number of techniques for handling samples from level-gauge observations do not stand up to criticism from modern observatory and metrological positions. Thus, the negative attitude of A.I. Mordukhai-Boltovsky to a series of floods of the Neva of I.G. Leutman, supplemented by W.L. Kraft with events of 1723 and 1725 defies reasonable explanation. This accusation formally «justified» the dismemberment of a number of various leveling amendments determined in the XX century in the process of reducing to the zero of Kronstadt footstock.

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