Seismoacoustic Signals Registration by the Two-Axial Laser Strainmeter, Created by Hydroacoustic Sources

Chupin V. A., Borodin A. E., Dolgikh G. I.

The paper describes the results of experiments on detection and localization of sources of lowfrequency hydroacoustic signals by laser strainmeters placed ashore. A composition and measuring characteristics of a two-axis laser strainmeter, including its sensitivity and directional properties are described. Examples of noise registrations of passing ships of various displacement by a strainmeter, as well as with a large distance from the device location are presented. The strainmeter’s opportunities for definition of direction to low-frequency hydroacoustic signals source by amplitudes of the registered signals in measuring arms of the device are estimated. On the basis of the experiment with the use of low-frequency hydroacoustic radiators as a source it’s confirmed that the proportion of hydroacoustic energy transformed into seismoacoustic one increases nonlinearly at frequency decrease of the radiated signals. The analysis of the results shows that a two-axis laser strainmeter placed ashore allows signals registration of low-frequency primary hydroacoustic field of various ships with confidence as well as allocating classification features and determining the direction of their sources. The variants of laser strainmeters application in control system of underwater and surface situation considering features of their work are offered. The directions of further fundamental and applied researches are defined.

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