The Accuracy of Passive Ranging Using Physical Methods

Grinenkov A. V., Mashoshin A. I., Shafranyuk Y. V.

The purpose of the study is the modeling of the accuracy of passive ranging using 2 physical methods – the energy method based on the estimate of the absolute value of the signal level at the antenna input and the dynamic method based on the bearing velocity estimate. These methods had been chosen because they did not have special claims to the receiving antenna. The modeling was carried out using the algorithm of combined application of both methods, which was synthesized by the method of maximum likelihood. The independence of errors of measurement of the absolute level of signal and speed of bearing measurement was assumed. The results of the modeling are as follows: 1) the passive ranging accuracy mainly depends on the accuracy of target classification and accuracy of signal level estimate; 2) if the target class was determined correctly the passive ranging mean squared error lies in the bounds of 20—35 %; 3) if the target class was determined incorrectly the passive ranging mean squared error rises greatly.

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