The Development and Use of a Component Model of the Earth’s Magnetic Field for Magnetic Cartography and Geophysics

Kopytenko Yu. A., Petrova A. A.

The paper summarizes the results of researches on the study of the Earth’s magnetic field made in St.-Petersburg Branch of Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation of RAS. New problems in building the foundations of a spatial digital model of a component model of the Earth’s magnetic field are discussed. The component model is built based on vector magnetic surveys and estimated component values calculated by dimensions of module of magnetic field induction’s full vector near the Earth’s surface. The statistical error estimates of calculated values of the model based on the results of measurements on the World network geomagnetic observatories and magnetic anomalies derived from measurements of the satellite CHAMP are given. On the basis of the component model the solving of the following tasks is proposed: the study of the deep structure of the Earth’s crust in the waters of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans; the study of hydrocarbon deposits in the North Sea; the study of allocation of geothermal areas in Western Europe. World magnetic maps of components of Earth’s magnetic field are used in sea and air magnetic navigation, including extreme conditions. They are of interest when studying the structure of the crust and mantle, and to allocate promising areas for search of minerals, including hard-to-reach regions of the globe.

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