Analysis of the Information of the Earth’s Magnetic Field for Offline Correlation-Extreme Navigation

Kopytenko Yu. A., Petrova A. A., Avgustov L. I.

A quantitative assessment of the quality and informational content of the Earth’s magnetic field’s model is provided to get an idea of its navigation informational content inventories and possibilities of its application for autonomous navigation in the ocean. The indicators of the informational content of the Earth’s magnetic field vector’s module, which are used as the statistical characteristics of the anomalies of inventories in the control interval in the sliding mode, are calculated. The results of the evaluation of the navigation informational content of the module of the Earth’s magnetic field’s vector according to the model of St.-Petersburg Filial of the Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation of RAS of era 2015 as an example of the experimental waters of the Atlantic Ocean are submitted. On the basis of the research it is shown that the higher informational content has combined navigation descriptiveness of the Earth’s magnetic field anomalies in the form of dispersion, correlation interval and gradient index. The division of the World’s ocean into parts to increase saturation the Earth’s magnetic field navigational landmarks is proposed. It allows determine the current location depending on the specifics of spreading zones. This provides meaningful information content navigation parameters of the Earth’s magnetic field for correlation-extreme autonomous navigation in the ocean basins.

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