Wave energy resources of the Baltic Sea and coastal zone of the Kaliningrad Region (Translated by E. S. Kochetkova)

Myslenkov S.A., Medvedeva A.Yu.

Based on the data of numerical simulations of the wind wave parameters, the wave energy resources of the Baltic Sea were estimated. Calculations of the wave parameters were performed using the SWAN spectral model and the wind data of NCEP/CFSR (CFS2) reanalysis from 1979 to 2015. The simulations were realised using a rectangular grid with a spatial resolution of 0.05°. The maps of the average annual wave energy flux for the period 1979–2015 were plotted. The maximum values of which reach 6–6.5 kW/m and appear in the Baltic Proper and in the South-Eastern Baltic. For the Kaliningrad Region, the wave energy flux is 3–4 kW/m. The analysis of the seasonal and interannual variability of the wave energy flux for two points located in the open sea and in the coastal zone of the South-Eastern Baltic was carried out. Seasonal variability of the wave energy flux is very high: the energy flux in the winter months is several times greater than in the summer period. The average long-term probability of exceedance of the wave energy for several thresholds was calculated. The probability of exceedance of the wave energy with a threshold 1 kW/m in the Baltic Proper is 55–60%.

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